Elevate Your Space with 6 stunning Indoor Plants in Water.

In the world of indoor gardening, there’s a growing trend that’s making waves – growing Indoor plants in water! Not only does this method eliminate the need for soil, but it also adds a unique and stylish touch to any indoor space. Whether you’re a seasoned plant enthusiast or just starting, water-grown indoor plants are easy to care for and can thrive in a variety of environments.

Let’s dive into eight stunning indoor plants that will flourish in water, bringing a splash of greenery and vitality into your home.

Pothos (Epipremnum aureum)

Pothos, also known as Devil’s Ivy, is a popular choice for water propagation due to its robust nature and trailing vines. This makes it an excellent choice for both seasoned plant enthusiasts and beginners looking to add greenery to their indoor spaces.

Simply place cuttings of Pothos stems in water, and within a few weeks, you’ll notice roots starting to form. Based on my experience, not all pothos thrive equally indoors. 

While the common golden leaf variety grows quickly both indoors and outdoors, variegated pothos tend to flourish outdoors in indirect bright light rather than indoors.

Pothos thrives in indirect sunlight and can tolerate low-light conditions. It can thrive in various orientations, including north or east-facing windows where it can receive optimum sunlight in the morning.

The glossy, heart-shaped leaves come in various shades of green, ranging from deep emerald to variegated patterns, making it a versatile option for any room in your home. 

Fertilize the plant with liquid fertilizer, such as seaweed fertilizer, following the instructions on the product label. It’s important to dilute the fertilizer according to the recommended ratio to avoid overfeeding the plant.

Additionally, ensure that the water in which the plant is growing is changed regularly, ideally every week or when it appears cloudy or unclear. This helps prevent the buildup of excess minerals and maintains a healthy environment for the plant’s roots.


indoor plants

Philodendrons are another group of plants that adapt well to water propagation. This means that they can easily grow and thrive when their cuttings are placed in water instead of soil.

This makes Philodendrons an excellent choice for those looking to grow indoor plants without the need for traditional soil-based gardening.

Philodendrons prefer indirect sunlight and can thrive in water-filled containers, making them an excellent choice for water-based indoor gardening.

It’s essential to place the container near a window or in an area with indirect light. Philodendrons prefer bright, indirect sunlight for optimal growth. Avoid placing them in direct sunlight, as this can cause their leaves to burn or become damaged.

To support the growth of your water-propagated Philodendron, provide it with a liquid fertilizer every month or two. A balanced liquid fertilizer, such as seaweed fertilizer, is suitable for Philodendrons.

Follow the instructions on the fertilizer package for proper dilution and application.

Additionally, it’s crucial to change the water in the container regularly, especially when it becomes cloudy or discolored. Changing the water prevents the buildup of bacteria and algae, which can harm the roots of the Philodendron.

Enjoy watching your Philodendron flourish as it adds beauty and greenery to your indoor space.

Lucky Bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana)  

Lucky Bamboo is a popular plant for water cultivation. It grows well in water-filled vases or containers, with its distinctive stalks and glossy green leaves adding a touch of zen to any room.

A distinctive feature of Lucky Bamboo is its unique stalks, which can grow in various shapes and sizes, adding a touch of natural elegance to any room.

Lucky Bamboo is well-suited to indoor environments with low light conditions, making it an excellent choice for homes or offices with limited natural sunlight. It can thrive in areas where other plants might struggle, bringing a splash of greenery to even the darkest corners of your living space.

Excessive light can also cause the leaves of lucky bamboo to become scorched, so it should be kept in indirect bright light.

Lucky bamboo plants require minimal fertilizer when grown in water, and it’s preferable to use rainwater or distilled water when grown indoors.

If the stem and leaves of lucky bamboo are yellowing, it could be due to excessive minerals in the water, over-fertilization, or exposure to direct sunlight.

It is advisable to change the water once or twice a week to prevent other stalks from fungal or bacterial attacks. It is advisable to remove the stalk from the bunch.

If the shoots are still green in color, you can cut them from the node end, discard the stem, and propagate the shoots in water.

If yellowing is due to over-fertilization, it’s best to fertilize lucky bamboo only once or twice a year.

If the yellowing is due to bright light, then it should be kept in indirect light to prevent yellowing of the leaves.

In summary, Lucky Bamboo is a versatile and low-maintenance plant that brings both beauty and cultural significance to indoor spaces. Its ability to thrive in water-filled containers, coupled with its minimal care requirements and aesthetic appeal, makes it an ideal choice for anyone looking to add a touch of greenery and good fortune to their home or office.

Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum)

Spider plants, scientifically known as Chlorophytum comosum, are renowned for their air-purifying qualities and are an excellent choice for water-based indoor gardening. These versatile plants are not only easy to grow in water but also provide numerous benefits for indoor environments.

One of the standout features of spider plants is their ability to purify the air.

They are known to effectively remove harmful toxins such as formaldehyde, xylene, and carbon monoxide from indoor spaces, making them an ideal choice for improving indoor air quality.

This makes spider plants particularly beneficial for homes, offices, and other indoor environments where air pollution may be a concern.

Spider plants are also well-suited for water propagation, making them accessible to both beginner and experienced indoor gardeners.

Propagating spider plants in water is a simple process – just place the plant’s baby spiderettes, which are small offshoots that grow from the main plant, in a container filled with water.

Within a few weeks, these baby spiderettes will develop roots, allowing them to establish themselves and grow into mature plants. This propagation method is not only easy but also allows for the creation of new spider plants without the need for soil.

In terms of care, spider plants thrive in indirect sunlight. While they can tolerate low light conditions, they prefer bright, indirect light for optimal growth.

This makes them well-suited for placement near windows or in well-lit rooms where they can receive ample sunlight throughout the day.

Additionally, spider plants are adaptable to a wide range of indoor conditions, including temperature and humidity levels. This versatility makes them resilient and able to thrive in various indoor environments.

Overall, spider plants are a fantastic choice for water-based indoor gardening, offering both aesthetic appeal and practical benefits for indoor environments.

Arrowhead Plant (Syngonium podophyllum)

The Arrowhead plant, also known as Syngonium podophyllum or Nephthytis, is a versatile option for water propagation. With its arrow-shaped leaves and trailing vines, it adds a touch of tropical elegance to any indoor space.

Arrowhead plants can be grown in water indoors by taking cuttings from the node area and placing them in water. While both green and variegated varieties can be grown indoors, the green varieties are generally easier to grow indoors than the variegated ones.

Arrowhead plants can thrive with minimal fertilizer, such as Epsom salt, and they will grow vigorously. These plants can be placed anywhere in a well-lit area indoors, and they will thrive without any hassle or problem.

These plants can even thrive indoors in water during frost, maintaining their beauty and health. The water should be changed once or twice a month.

Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)

One of the most notable features of Peace lilies is their stunning white flowers, which symbolize purity, peace, and tranquility. Paired with their lush, glossy green leaves, Peace lilies create a serene and inviting atmosphere in any indoor space.

Their graceful appearance makes them a popular choice for indoor gardening enthusiasts seeking to enhance the beauty of their homes or offices.

While they are traditionally grown in soil, Peace lilies can also thrive when cultivated in water-filled containers, offering indoor gardeners a unique and visually striking alternative.

Propagating Peace lilies in water is a simple process – just place a healthy stem or cutting in a container filled with water, ensuring that the roots are submerged. Within a few weeks, the Peace lily will develop roots in the water, allowing it to establish itself and grow vigorously.

This method of propagation not only eliminates the need for soil but also adds a unique and visually appealing element to indoor gardening.

In terms of care, Peace lilies prefer indirect sunlight, but they can tolerate low light conditions. However, they thrive in bright, indirect light, which makes them ideal for placement near windows or in well-lit rooms to encourage blooming.

Additionally, Peace lilies require regular watering to keep their roots submerged in water. It’s important to check the water level regularly and top it up as needed to ensure that the roots remain submerged, as Peace lilies rely on consistent moisture for optimal growth.

Although peace lilies require minimal fertilizer, they can benefit from liquid fertilizer during their active growth periods.

Overall, Peace lilies are an eye-catching addition to any indoor space, whether grown in soil or water-filled containers.

In conclusion, growing indoor plants in water is not only a stylish and unique way to bring greenery into your home but also an easy and low-maintenance option for indoor gardening. From trailing vines like Pothos and Philodendrons to elegant blooms like Peace Lilies and Spider plants, there’s a water-grown indoor plant out there for every space and style. So why wait? Dive into the world of water-based indoor gardening and elevate your space with a splash of green.


Can all indoor plants be grown in water?

Not all indoor plants can thrive in water. While some plants, like pothos and lucky bamboo, are well-suited for water propagation, others may require soil to grow properly.

How often should I change the water for water-grown indoor plants?

It’s recommended to change the water for water-grown indoor plants every one to two weeks, or when the water appears cloudy or discolored. This helps prevent the buildup of bacteria and algae, ensuring a healthy environment for the plants’ roots.

Do water-grown indoor plants require fertilizer?

Yes, water-grown indoor plants may benefit from occasional fertilization to ensure they receive essential nutrients for growth. However, it’s important to use a diluted liquid fertilizer and follow the instructions provided to avoid overfeeding the plants.

Can water-grown indoor plants be placed in direct sunlight?

While some water-grown indoor plants, like lucky bamboo, may tolerate indirect sunlight, most prefer bright, indirect light. Direct sunlight can cause their leaves to burn or become damaged, so it’s best to place them in locations with filtered or indirect sunlight.

You can purchase affordable indoor plants online from stores like “The Affordable Organic Store” and Amazon. They offer fast delivery options and provide fresh and genuine plants. Please note that this is not a paid promotion.


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