9 secrets to grow rainforest plants faster


Rainforest plants are known for their incredible diversity and beauty. They come in all shapes and sizes and boast a wide range of colors and patterns, from vibrant greens to deep purples and reds. These plants are perfect for accelerated growth, whether you choose to keep them indoors or outdoors.


They have adapted to thrive in the humid and nutrient-rich environments of the rainforest, making them hardy and resilient even in less-than-ideal conditions. Their unique shapes and features also make them great conversation starters and a beautiful addition to any home or garden. So let’s get down to it and make them grow faster! Here are ten simple tips to help your rainforest plants grow quicker and healthier.

Keeping outdoors

First of all, plants grow quickly outdoors as they make food from sunlight. Plants have specialized structures called chloroplasts, primarily located in their leaves, which contain a pigment called chlorophyll.

Chlorophyll absorbs light energy from the sun, particularly in the blue and red wavelengths, while reflecting green light, which is why plants appear green to us. It’s recommended to keep plants outside, but if kept indoors, they should be taken outdoors frequently to ensure proper growth.


Rainforest plants thrive best in dappled light, mimicking the natural conditions where they grow beneath the canopy of tall trees. This sheltered environment shields them from harsh sunlight, preventing their delicate leaves from scorching. Keeping the plant in filtered north-side light enhances foliage hues.


Keep Moist

If you live in an area with varying seasons and own rainforest plants, it’s recommended that you mist them in the morning and, if possible, in the evening during summer.

Conversely, in winter, it’s best to focus on morning misting as this gives your plants the moisture they need to remain healthy. These guidelines apply when the plants are kept outside. This will gradually increase plant growth even during winter dormancy.

Watering is Key

Ensuring your rainforest plants receive adequate hydration is paramount, particularly during the summer months. It’s highly advisable to water them both in the morning and evening to replenish moisture lost to the intense heat.

However, if this schedule proves challenging, prioritizing morning watering sessions remains essential to provide vital hydration, promoting their speedy growth.

Keep Them Warm

Maintaining warm and humid conditions is crucial for fostering rapid growth in plants. Achieving this can be accomplished through various methods such as misting, mulching, and strategically placing a bowl of water with stones nearby.

It’s always a good idea to mulch your plants with brown leaves, coir or any other organic material.

Additionally, utilizing a humidity meter allows for precise monitoring and adjustment of environmental conditions to ensure optimal growth and development.

Trim and Tidy

Especially during the summer months, focusing on pinching and pruning plants in pots proves beneficial for accelerating growth.

This practice not only encourages the development of more branches but also helps in maintaining a neat and organized appearance, fostering optimal conditions for robust plant growth.

Feed Them Right

The rainforest plants thrive on the rich nutrients found in natural rainwater, and the conditions in which we cultivate them, especially in varying climates and confined spaces like pots, often necessitate supplemental fertilization for optimal growth.

Nourishing your plants with organic fertilizers such as liquid cow dung, buttermilk, rice water, and water infused with the micronutrients from washing pulses and lentils can significantly enhance their growth.

Liquid cow dung fertilizer, when administered in a diluted form, serves as a potent source of nourishment, fostering robust development. Similarly, buttermilk and rice water offer valuable micronutrients that promote plant health and vigor.


Arranging plants in groups offers numerous benefits that foster their rapid growth and overall well-being. Grouping plants creates a microclimate of increased humidity, which mimics their natural habitat and promotes healthy growth.

Furthermore, this clustering facilitates the retention of moisture in the surrounding soil, ensuring all plants within the group receive adequate hydration.

Additionally, the proximity of plants enables them to share nutrients and beneficial microorganisms, further enhancing their growth potential.


Based on my experience, I have never witnessed any type of infestation on rainforest plants such as calatheas, aglaonemas, or money plants.

However, if an infestation does occur, it is important to take immediate precautions by spraying a mixture of neem oil and soap solution to prevent it from getting worse. This solution can help reduce the infestation.

My Experience

I kept my Calatheas and Aglaonemas indoor for a while, but they eventually died. Despite my efforts, I couldn’t save it. You can keep these plants indoors for some time, but you cannot keep them for a long duration. Otherwise, they will die, despite the fact that they grow under big trees in tropical forests.


Based on my experiences with rainforest plants, I’ve found that incorporating various strategies such as misting, mulching, maintaining humidity, using organic fertilizers, and grouping plants can indeed foster rapid growth and robust health. By applying these methods, I’ve observed accelerated growth rates and vibrant foliage in my garden.

Emulating the natural conditions of their native habitats while adapting to the constraints of different climates and container gardening has proven highly effective in nurturing the growth of tropical plants. Through a combination of careful observation, experimentation, and dedication to providing optimal care, I’ve been able to create an environment where these plants thrive and flourish with remarkable speed.

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